Why is it called DOGs Night? DOGs Night stands for hospitality Developers, Operators and Groupies (foodies, designers, consultants, or just a fan of hotels). It’s pronounced Dogs Night, not D-O-G-S Night, Dog or Dogs.
When did DOGs Night begin? About 20+ years ago in Hong Kong by a group of hotelies who still participate in our events around the world. It disappeared for over a decade, but was revived in 2009.
How much is it? There’s no cover fee, but there is a cash bar. Drinks are not included, though canapés or snacks (depending on the venue) sometimes are.
What topics will be covered? None. This is a casual networking event. There are no presentations, no hard sells, no selling from the stage. Just pure conversations with new and old friends in the industry.
Who can come? Anyone. The more the merrier, so please help spread the word!
Why should I attend? Because some of the best personal and professional relationships are not built in corporate settings.
What should I wear? You don’t need to feel like you need to wear anything in particular. Feel free to get out of your suit and get comfortable. Be yourself!
Who organizes it? Organizers in each city keep DOGs Night alive. In general, DOGs Night is brought to you by Craft House Consulting, & STR Global, Horwath HTL and Clanalytix.